The Old Testament

498 illustrations, 33 stories including:
Creation, The Garden of Eden, Cain and Abel, The Flood, The Tower of Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob’s Ladder, Joseph and the Colorful Coat…

378 illustrations, 29 stories including:
Moses Is Born, The Burning Bush, Aaron’s Staff, The Ten Plagues, The Parting of the Red Sea, The Ten Commandments, The Golden Calf, The Ark of the Covenant…

280 illustrations, 26 stories including:
The Fire of Yahweh, Giants in the Promised Land, Korah’s Rebellion, Balaam’s Talking Donkey, God Sends Snakes, Moses Dies…

226 illustrations, 33 stories including:
Settling Disputes, Accidental Death, Sexual Discharges, Sex Between Men, Rape, Prisoners of War, Slavery, Male Genital Injury…

202 illustrations, 17 stories including:
The Massacre at Jericho, The Curse of Destruction, Entire Family Stoned to Death, Twenty-Two Kingdoms Massacred…

435 illustrations, 41 stories including:
Jerusalem Massacred, Deborah Leads Massacre of Canaanites, Jael and Sisera, Samson and Delilah…

288 illustrations, 26 stories including:
Philistines Capture the Ark, Saul Becomes King, God Commands Genocide, David and Goliath…

321 illustrations, 31 stories including:
Saul Tries to Kill David, Jonathan and David, David Joins the Philistines, Saul and the Necromancer…

346 illustrations, 34 stories including:
Famine and Dismemberment, David and Bathsheba, God Kills a Baby, Absalom Rebels, Bathsheba Deceives David…

295 illustrations, 33 stories including:
Solomon Gets Wise, Slaves Build Temple of Yahweh, Solomon’s Riches, The Queen of Sheba, The Golden Calves, Executing Unbelievers Brings Peace, Asa’s Foot Disease……


100 illustrations, 8 stories including:
Meet Job, God and Satan Make a Bet, God Kills Job’s Children, God Physically Tortures Job, Three Friends Accost Job, God Refuses to Explain His Cruelty…

28 illustrations, 4 stories including:
Daniel’s Friends Are Fired, Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, The Writing on the Wall, Daniel in the Lions’ Den…

27 illustrations, 4 stories including:
We’ve Got a Runner, The Huge Fish, Nineveh Has Really Changed, Jonah’s Anger Issues…

The Old Testament

33 stories, 498 illustrations

33 stories, 498 illustrations

26 stories, 280 illustrations

33 stories, 226 illustrations

17 stories, 202 illustrations

41 stories, 435 illustrations

26 stories, 288 illustrations

31 stories, 321 illustrations

34 stories, 346 illustrations

34 stories, 346 illustrations


8 stories, 100 illustrations

4 stories, 28 illustrations

4 stories, 27 illustrations