The New Testament
26 illustrations, 2 stories including:
Jesus Is Born, The Slaughter of the Innocents
369 illustrations, 35 stories including:
Jesus Is Baptized, The First Disciples, Water Into Wine, Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Walks on Water, The Good Samaritan, Lazarus Resurrected…
273 illustrations, 18 stories including:
Jesus Anointed, Temple Tantrum, The Widow’s Coins, The Last Supper, Jesus Is Arrested, Jesus Before Pilate, The Crucifixion, The Empty Tomb, Doubting Thomas, The Ascension…
157 illustrations, 19 stories including:
Pentecost, Communism Or Death, Stephen Gets Stoned, Saul the Persecutor Converts, Paul in Athens, Speaking in Tongues…
80 illustrations, 10 stories including:
On Slavery, On Wealth, On Justice, On Women, On Enemies, On Marriage, On Wisdom, On God’s Wrath…
241 illustrations, 21 stories including:
Heaven Revealed, The Four Horsemen, Tribulations Intensify, The Locust Beasts, Satan Thrown to Earth, The Whore of Babylon, The Battle of Armageddon, Judgment Day…
The New Testament
2 stories, 26 illustrations
35 stories, 369 illustrations
18 stories, 273 illustrations
18 stories, 273 illustrations
21 stories, 241 illustrations