Acts of the Apostles » Lottery to Replace Judas
Acts 1:15, 20-22
Acts 1:23
Acts 1:24-25
Acts 1:26
Acts 1:26
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Pentecost and the Tongues of Fire
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Acts 1:15, 20-22
Acts 1:15, 20-22
Acts 1:23
Acts 1:23
Acts 1:24-25
Acts 1:24-25
Acts 1:26
Acts 1:26
Acts 1:26
Acts 1:26
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Acts » Lottery to Replace Judas
Acts 1:15, 20-22
Acts 1:23
Acts 1:24-25
Acts 1:26
Acts 1:26
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Pentecost and the Tongues of Fire
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Acts 1:15, 20-22
Acts 1:15, 20-22
Acts 1:23
Acts 1:23
Acts 1:24-25
Acts 1:24-25
Acts 1:26
Acts 1:26
Acts 1:26
Acts 1:26
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