- Press -
 Seattle Time - 5 March 2005

Culture Corner | Faith-focused media picks

"The Ten Commandments"

The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith

The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith is a California minister with a slightly demented, though devout, sense of humor. Over the past few years, he has re-created the most famous tales of the Old and New Testaments in Legos, displayed in all their intricate glory on his Web site, www.thebricktestament.com.

The site has spawned a line of books. The latest, "The Ten Commandments" (Quirk Books, $14.95), chronicles the journey of Moses — complete with burning bush and parting Red Sea. His work, Smith says, is popular in religious and secular circles.

Anne Hurley

Culture Corner | Faith-focused media picks
This is an excerpt og an article that ran in the Seattle Timeson 5 March 2005. The print version was accompanied by two images from The Brick Testament: The Ten Commandments. An online version of the article can be found here.

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