All volumes great and small
Yes, Virginia, there are books petite enough to
be stuffed into stockings
By Miriam Wolf
...Maybe you need something a bit more, shall we say ... seasonal
for giving. You can't get more seasonal than Brendan Powell Smith's
Brick Testament, a retelling of the Bible entirely with Lego blocks
( And just in time for the holiday season,
here comes The Brick Testament: The Story of Christmas (Quirk
Books, 94 pages, $12.95). Smith's incredibly detailed Bible scenes,
accompanied by the relevant biblical quotes, are a form of obsessive
brilliance. They'll make you laugh and lust for new Lego sets,
and send a shiver down your spine. The Brick Testament: The Story
of Christmas is disturbing on so many levels, not the least of
which is that the baby Jesus has no arms or legs. He's made of
just two pieces of Lego: a smiling head and a white cylindrical
head-shaped piece meant to be his body...