Season's Readings
Gifts for the literate, semiliterate or just plain
illiterate on your list.
books for other people can be stressful. You want to give them
something you think they'll like, but you also want the book to
reflect your own good taste. Often, of course, the two come into
conflict. You have to decide whether you're going to just buy
your grandmother a Danielle Steel book for the zillionth time
or take the aesthetic high ground and force her to slog through
Infinite Jest.
Good thing this season offers a whole host of books that should
satisfy a range of tastes--from the highbrow to the lowbrow and
everywhere in between (and lots with pictures)--without compromising
anyone's literary integrity. You might even want to pick some
of these up for yourself.
At the other end of the spectrum, the true believer (or Lego
lover) will likely enjoy Brendan Powell Smith's The Brick Testament:
Stories From the Book of Genesis (Quirk, $14.95). Though a little
creepy, Powell Smith's tableaux of Old Testament stories are pretty
amazing--each has been painstakingly created with Legos. (He also
has a website, thebricktestament. com, that's apparently very
popular.) There's a Noah's Ark scene, a Tower of Babel montage,
and depictions of the tale of Joseph and the coat of many colors.
It's the perfect way to introduce your heathen children to the
Lord, or something like that.