- Press -
 Budget Living - October-November 2003

 Budget Living
This item is featured on page 32 of the October-November 2003 issue of Budget Living. Below is the text of the portion of the article about The Brick Testament:

Get Between the Covers This Fall

Hot new reads--from leggy dames to LEGOs.

From the profane to the sacred, sort of: Two years ago, Bay Area artist "The Reverend" Brendan Powell Smith began rendering Bible scenes entirely out of LEGOs and posting them on www.bricktestament.com. The kooky works were such a cult hit that they've been compiled in The Brick Testament: Stories From the Book of Genesis (Quirk, $15). In it, Smith revisits all the Sunday-school highlights - the Garden of Eden, below, Babel, the Flood - and offers a priceless take on Lot's salt pillar wife. --Caroline Whitbeck

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