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Asbury Park Press - 21 April 2005

A great story told in LEGO blocks

Posted by the Asbury Park Press on 04/21/05

Thanks to Brendan Powell Smith, you'll never look at the parting of the Red Sea the same way again.

That's because the San Francisco Bay native has opted to illustrate the Bible using LEGO blocks. First it was "The Brick Testament: Stories from the Book of Genesis" and "The Brick Testament: The Story of Christmas."

Now comes "The Brick Testament: The Ten Commandments" (Quirk Books, $14.95).

With verses from Exodus and a series of LEGO dioramas, the full-color volume chronicles the adventures of Moses as he rides down the Nile River, talks to the Burning Bush, witnesses the Ten Plagues, parts the Red Sea, delivers the Ten Commandments and builds the Ark of the Covenant.

In his introduction, Smith points out that telling Bible stories using the building blocks was not his first career choice.

And, he says, as an adult who makes a living playing with a children's toy, he has had his share of ridiculing.

"But I would not think for a second of going back to my old 9-to-5 job," he says. "Why? It's simple. Because when God tells you to do something, you do it."

Even it means spending countless hours re-creating the story of The Golden Calf.

Patti Martin, Staff Writer


A great story told in LEGO blocks
This article ran in the 21 April 2005 edition of New Jersey's Asbury Park Press.
An online version of it can be found here.

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